Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Questions about Slavery: Part 1

Text: Colossians 3:22 – 4:1, Genesis 3:17-19

1. [Lead-in] What connotations or implications does the word “slavery” have?

2. [Lead-in] Is there ever a time where slavery is justified?

3. [Gen. 3:17-19] How does the relationship between people and the Earth become strained when Adam and Eve sinned against God?

4. [History] In ancient Israel, God provides a system (through Moses) to take care of the poor.   A person could voluntarily work under someone and in return be given free food and health care for 6 years at a time.  How could this be beneficial or favorable for those down on their luck?

5.  [History] The same worker could walk away from the job whenever they wanted to or whenever they could pay of their debt.  If that wasn’t possible, after the 6 year term, the worker could choose to stay for another 6 years or be given the goods needed to start on their own again, debt free.  In addition, the Law also gave these workers rights that protected their physical being and dignity.  How is this system different than the type of slavery that was seen in the 1800s and today?

6. [Col 3:22-4:1] God calls for the death penalty for those who kidnap or possess people who are stolen (in other words, slaves).  With that in mind, re-read Colossians 3:22 – 4:1.  Does anything in the passage stand out more than when you first read it?

7. [App] In addition to the above, God calls all his people who can afford to do so to give sacrificially.  In fact Deuteronomy 15:4 states that there will be no poor among the people of Israel.  How would a system like the one mentioned above work today?  What role should the church play in it?  Could it even exist?

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