Monday, July 14, 2008

Your Call to Redemption


When I first thought of Return to Redemption, I considered it being a website merely for my personal and spiritual blogging. However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that this could better serve everybody by making this a "community blog." (A community blog is a website where many authors can contribute on a single site.) And I believe this type of thinking emulates what a Christ follower's should be [Hebrews 3:12-14]. And when a Christ follower dies, they are taken up to Heaven to live life-eternal that is characterized with unity, harmony and love of God and for God. Until that time, we are called to bring redemption to all aspects of the world around us. My prayer is that this blog can be a gathering of people fulfilling the movement of redemption. [Hebrews 10:24-25]

This is where you come in. It's clear that God doesn't desire us to live alone or by ourselves [Acts 2:42-47]. A community should never be defined by it's boundaries but by it's ability to break those boundaries down. We should be striving to create communities among us that loves and grows. And since we are a diverse and unique set of people, we all have different ways of expressing our personal faith [1 Corinthians 12:12-31]. So if you like to write (journals, poetry, prayers or anything else), please write! If you enjoy making art, be creative and download those images (preferably with statements). Maybe video, personal devotions or story-telling (life experiences) is your strong point? Not a problem. They are all welcome here. There is no format; there is no right way to do things. Just one rule: share as through you were presenting to the Most High God - because in actuality, you really are! [Ephesians 4:11-13]

So I'm leaving it at that for right now. If you have any questions, or want to get put on the author's list, e-mail ( me, and I'll add you on immediately.

Blessed Be His Name,
Kool Kat

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